Harmonic Filter Panel

Active Harmonic Filters Panel

The Smallest Ecosine Active Version is Ideal for the reliable compensation up to the 50th harmonic, as well as reactive power, in a targeted manner. Thanks to its compact dimensions and low weight, this filter can be easily installed in any environment. For protectionclass requirements up to IP54 both wall and cabinet installation are possible.Not only space saving, it is also economical in terms of power loss with only 1300W.With a response time of less than 300 s in ultra-fast mode, it is also possible to optimally compensate dynamic loads.


Specifications: : 50/60Hz

Rating: 30/50/60/100/120/200/250/300 A

Voltage: 380.......480V, 690V

Application: Harmonic Reduction / Unbalanced Load / PFI

Passive Harmonic Filters Panel

T-AHPFC panel is an integration of CRCA Ms Sheet enclosure with powder coated, fully wired with self healing MPP capacitor & Reactor, capacitor duty contactor, fan, APFCR, all switchgear, with IP protection busbar AL/CU with IEC STD.


Specifications: 50/60Hz

Rating: 50 to 4000Kvar

Voltage: 400/440/480/525/690/800/1200V

Mode of Switching: Contactor/Static

Application: Harmonic Reduction

Hybrid Harmonic Filters Panel

Active : IGBT-Based Power Converter that reduces harmonic distortion Hybrid : Combination of passive and active filters Reduces THD upto 5% to 8% Dynamic Correction of THD is Possible Improves Distortion PF Load Balancing and Displacement PF improvement Possible Modular - Can be expanded along with the load.


Specifications: 50/60Hz

Rating: 200A + 1000Kvar

Voltage: 400/440/480..690

Mode of Switching: Static

Application: PF improvement Harmonic Reduction